Monday, March 10, 2014

Ordination Hymn: This Noble Task

Note:  We sang this hymn Sunday before last during a deacon ordination service.  I wrote the text back in 1992 for the service in which I was ordained to the gospel ministry.

This Noble Task

To all who would this noble task

Take up in view of call,

One thing the noble Master asks

Is that we give up all.


We give up all we’ve loved the best,

Our pride, our wealth, our fame

And find that God has given rest

And made our losing gain.


With empty hands we go to work

The task before us lies

To help those who in shadows lurk

And open blinded eyes.


This task is not for one alone

But for the Church entire,

For all on whom Christ’s flame has blown

And built a burning fire!


Words by Jeffrey T. Riddle, 1992                      Tune:  ST. ANNE, Common Meter

1 comment:

AJ said...

Well done sir!