Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Vision (5/13/10): CRBC Update

“you also as living stones are being built up a spiritual house….” (1 Peter 2:5)

Christ Reformed Baptist Church has now been meeting for Lord’s Day worship for four months. Here are some of the things we have seen God do among us thus far:
• We have established a regular pattern of morning worship, lunch, and afternoon worship on the Lord’s Day. We have had preaching and teaching series on Matthew 10 and 1 Peter (ongoing) in morning worship and the doctrine of the church (CRBC series) and the Ten Commandments in afternoon worship.

• The average attendance in Lord’s Day worship has doubled.

• We have established a regular meeting site at 1410 Incarnation Drive which we have improved by painting and decorating.

• We have established a website and sermonaudio site for CRBC.

• We have seen a core group come together who are committed to the planting of this church.

• We have entered into a partnership agreement with Covenant Reformed Baptist Church in Warrenton for oversight in our church planting process.

Here are a few things on the horizon:
• We have completed a draft of our CRBC Constitution and Membership Covenant (prepared by Jeff Riddle and Daniel Houseworth) which we will be sharing with the pastor and elders at Covenant Reformed Baptist Church. After receiving their feedback and approval we will be sharing these documents with our regular CRBC attendees as we move toward “particularizing” as a church.

• We will begin a three part series sermon series on the sacraments (ordinances) this Sunday afternoon in preparation for commencing our body’s initial observances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

To this point, we can definitely see how the Lord has graciously provided for our needs. We look forward to seeing how He will be pleased to continue to work through us as we go forward.

Grace and peace, Pastor Jeff Riddle

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