Monday, May 02, 2022

TBS Text & Translation Conference: September 15, 2022

 Looking forward to attending the Trinitarian Bible Society's one-day Text & Translation Conference on Sept 15 at Tyndale House, London and then the TBS AGM at Met Tab on Sept 17, 2022.


  1. Alexander Thomson7:01 AM

    Are there any places in the AV/KJV where text and/or translation needs to be revised?

  2. I'd say no. Fine as it is.

  3. Hi Jeffrey,

    I have questions regarding the history of the TR and its compilation by those men after Erasmus. I would be very grateful if I could get your help in answering them.

    How did Stephanus, Beza and the Elzivir brothers revise the TR's that came before their own editions, and what manuscripts did they use?
