Saturday, August 22, 2020

WM 173: Life of Jerome.Part One: From Birth to Bethlehem

I have posted WM 173: Life of Jerome.Part One: Birth to Bethlehem.

It offers an overview of the life of Jerome of Stridon, one of the most important early Christian churchmen and scholars. One of his most significant achievements was the translation of the Bible into Latin (the Latin Vulgate), later editions of which would be declared by the RCC at the Council of Trent (1545-1563) to be the authoritative edition of the Bible. Though Protestants reject that claim, we do see his work as important for (1) preserving the Hebrew as the divine original of the OT; and (2) preserving many key readings in the Greek NT.

In this overview I share my reading notes from the classic biography of Jerome by J. N. D. Kelly, Jerome: His Life, Writings, and Controversies (original, 1975; Christian Classics Reprint Edition, 1980).

This Part One covers Jerome's early years (primarily in Rome) from c. 331-386, or, "From Birth to Bethlehem."

Part Two will be forthcoming, focusing on his later years (primarily in Bethlehem) from 386-420, or: "From Bethlehem to Death."

Enjoy! JTR


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. First comment deleted because of typos!
    My question is regarding Jerome's Latin translation since this seems to be the translation that influenced Augustine's view of justification.

    Was dikaioun (“to justify”) wrongly translated with the Latin term iustificare (“to make righteous”) Or was Romans 1:17 rightly translated by Jerome? Some say Jerome didn't understand the Hebrew concept which underlined the word righteousness.
