Saturday, February 29, 2020

WM 160: Interview:" Doug Barger, Crown and Cross Books, & "The London Standards"

I have posted WM 160: Interview: Doug Barger, Crown and Cross Books, & "The London Standards." Listen here.

In this episode I interview my friend Pastor Doug Barger of Christ Reformed Baptist Church (nice name!) in New Castle, Indiana.

Besides covering part of Doug's testimony and history, he shared about his publishing ministry, Crown and Cross Books (visit the website here).

He shared, in particular, about a new project in pre-publication, titled "The London Standards." This volume will include the Second London Baptist Confession (1689), the Baptist Catechism (1693), and the Orthodox Catechism (1680). The Orthodox Catechism is a Particular Baptist revision of the Heidelberg Catechism, completed by Hercules Collins. RB historian James Renihan has referred to these three documents as providing "something of a 'Three Forms of Unity' for Baptist churches" (Forward to An Orthodox Catechism, 8). Soon all three confessional statements will be available in one volume for personal, family, and church use.

Enjoy this conversation!


1 comment:

  1. Dr. Riddle,

    This was a wonderfully edifying interview and I enjoyed getting to know our friend Doug Barger a little more by listening ;) Praise be to God for saving him, for saving us. Amazing Grace how sweet the sound!

    Looking forward to The London Standards from Crown and Cross Books. Based on its contents, wouldn't it be great if most every Reformed Baptist (well, any believer actually) in America, Canada and the UK (and beyond) had this in their possession and use!

    Blessings in Christ,

