Thursday, November 14, 2019

Minuscule 2817 on Ephesians 3:9

Thanks to "CC" who discovered at least one minuscule which includes the TR reading for Ephesians 3:9. The manuscript is 2817 which the INTF dates to c. 1000-1099 is located in the Universitätsbibliothek Basel. This may well have been at least one of the mss. which Erasmus consulted in preparing his Greek NT of 1516.

Here’s the note from CC posted to the comments on the WM 138 blogpost:

Ah, I found a manuscript that reads κοινωνία: 2817 from the 11th century (according the Scrivener and the INTF). It's in the INTF's NTVMR, page ID 5190. Apparently this is where Erasmus got the reading from.

Here’s a big picture image of a section from the larger page (ID 5190):

Here is a closeup featuring the variant in question in Ephesians 3:9 in the main text (left side of big picture above): τις η κοινωνια του μυστηριου.

And here is a closeup of η κοινωνια in the main text:

Here is a closeup featuring the variant in question in Ephesians 3:9 in the side annotation (right side of big picture above): τις η κοινωνια του μυστηριου.

And a closeup of η κοινωνια in the side annotation:


Note: Post updated on 11/17/19. Thanks to CC and Elijah Hixson for their help in understanding and navigating 2817.

1 comment:

  1. Good hunting, CC.
    I suppose I'm gonna have to hammer out something to address this passage in detail.
