Tuesday, March 29, 2016

WM # 49: Review: James White on Text on Apologia

Yesterday, I recorded and posted to sermonaudio.com Word Magazine # 49 (listen here).  The topic: Review:  James White on Text on Apologia.

This episode begins a review of the recent James White video on Apologia Radio/TV (see the youtube video here).

White presented this defense of the modern text after running into some "Ecclesiastical Text" (I prefer Confessional Text) defenders on social media.

As I note at the start of my review, in some ways there is not a lot new in White's presentation that I have not responded to in previous episodes of WM (see episodes 13, 25, 26, 27, 29, 40, 41).

I also make reference in this episode to my paper on Erasmus Anecdotes (listen here).


1 comment:

  1. Hi saints. You may be interested in some of this information in my article refuting James White and his criticism of Revelation 15:3.

    Revelation 15:3 king of saints, nations or ages? Comparing the "oldest and best manuscripts in Revelation."


    God bless.
