Saturday, March 03, 2012

CRBC Worship March 2012

Note: Lord willing, we will continue our Romans sermon series on Sunday mornings and our Spurgeon Catechism series on Sunday afternoons in March at CRBC. We will hold our afternoon worship service at Our Lady of Peace Retirement Center at 2 pm on March 11. Dr. Gary Crampton will preach on Sunday morning March 18.

March 4


Opening Psalm: Psalm 95

Message: What is a stumbling block? (Romans 14:13-18)

No. 1 (CCH) Come Christians Join to Sing

Psalm 25:1-7 (TRENTHAM)

No. 262 God, in the gospel of his Son


Opening Psalm: Psalm 96

Message: Did all mankind fall in Adam’s first transgression? (Romans 5:12; 1 Corinthians 15:22)

Psalm 25:8-15 (TRENTHAM)

Psalm 139:1-12 (MARYTON)

No. 731 And can it be

March 11


Opening Psalm: Psalm 97

Message: The things which make for peace (Romans 14:19-23)

No. 1 Psalm 100

No. 621 Great King of nations, hear my prayer

No. 17 (CCH) Come Ye Sinners


Opening Psalm: Psalm 98

Message: TBA

(Note: Meeting time will be 2 pm at Our Lady of Peace)

March 18


Opening Psalm: Psalm 99

Message: Psalm 119 (Guest speaker: Dr. Gary Crampton)

Psalm 145:1-10 (DUKE STREET)

Psalm 18:27-37 (SWEET HOUR)

No. 6 (CCH) How Firm a Foundation


Opening Psalm: Psalm 100

Message: The sinfulness of man’s state (Psalm 51:5)

Psalm 145:11-21 (DUKE STREET)

Psalm 139:13-24 (MARYTON)

No. 392 Return, ye ransomed sinners home

March 25


Opening Psalm: Psalm 101

Message: Edification and Unity (Romans 15:1-6)

No. 7 (CCH) To God all praise and glory

Psalm 18:38-50 (SWEET HOUR)

No. 62 Before Jehovah’s awful throne


Opening Psalm: Psalm 102

Message: The misery of man’s state (Romans 6:23)

Psalm 25:16-22 (TRENTHAM)

No. 192 Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted

No. 582 My hope is built

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