Friday, February 03, 2012

CRBC Worship February 2012

Note:  Lord willing, we will continue our Romans series in Sunday morning worship.  In Sunday afternoon worship we will continue our Spurgeon Baptist Catechism series with a guest speaker on February 12th and a special message by Pastor Riddle on “What is a Reformed Church?” on February 26th.

February 5


Opening Psalm Psalm 87

Message: Love fulfills the law (Romans 13:8-10)

Psalm 104:1-12 (LYONS)

No. 500 He Leadeth Me

No. 453 O the deep, deep love of Jesus


Opening Psalm Psalm 88

Message: The Fall of Man (Genesis 3:6-8; Ecclesiastes 7:29)

Psalm 104:13-23 (LYONS)

No. 690 Jesus paid it all

No. xv Gloria Patri

February 12


Opening Psalm Psalm 89

Message: Knowing the time (Romans 13:11-14)


Psalm 143 (ST. ELIZABETH)

No. 460 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling


Opening Psalm Psalm 90

Message: Creation, God’s Timeline, and the Gospel

Guest speaker: Dr. Andy McIntosh

Psalm 104:24-35 (LYONS)

No. 120 O Christ, our hope (note tune: MARTYRDOM)

February 19


Opening Psalm Psalm 91

Message: Avoiding doubtful disputations (Romans 14:1-6)

No. 239 Psalm 50:1-6

Psalm 18:1-13 (SWEET HOUR)

No. 439 Jesus, thy blood and righteousness


Opening Psalm Psalm 92

Message: What is sin? (1 John 3:4)

Psalm 141 (CANONBURY)


No. 432 Jesus! What a Friend for sinners!

February 26


Opening Psalm Psalm 93

Message: No one lives to himself (Romans 14:7-12)

No. 765 My heart is firmly fixed (from Psalm 108)

Psalm 18:14-26 (SWEET HOUR)

No. 6 All ye that fear Jehovah’s Name


Opening Psalm Psalm 94

Message: What is a Reformed Church?

Psalm 46 (MATERNA)

No. 271 How sweet and awful

No. 111 Thy might sets fast the mountains

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