Friday, December 30, 2011

CRBC Worship January 2012

Note: We will return to our series from Romans in Sunday morning worship, beginning an exposition of Romans chapters 12-16. In afternoon worship, we will continue our Spurgeon Catechism Series.

January 1


Opening Psalm Psalm 77

Message: A living sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2)

No. 526 Psalm 30 (ELLACOMBE)

No. 28 (CCH) Be Thou My Vision

No. 25 (CCH) Take my life and let it be


Opening Psalm Psalm 78

Message: What is the work of creation? (Genesis 1:1)

Psalm 89:1-16 (ODE TO JOY)

No. 364 Shepherd of souls

P. xvi Doxology (first tune)

January 8


Opening Psalm Psalm 79

Message: Many members in one body (Romans 12:3-8)

Psalm 91 (HYFRYDOL)

No. 587 Like a river glorious

Psalm 133 (AZMON)


Opening Psalm Psalm 80

Message: Jesus Prays in the Garden (Speaker: Brian Overstreet)

(Service at 2 pm at Our Lady of Peace; music TBA)

January 15


Opening Psalm Psalm 81

Message: Instructions for the loving life (Romans 12:9-18)

Psalm 122 (CWM RHONDA)

No. 491 Jesus calls us o’er the tumult

Psalm 101 (AURELIA)


Opening Psalm Psalm 82

Message: How did God create man? (Genesis 1:27)

Psalm 89:17-37 (ODE TO JOY)

No. 437 Christ of all my hopes the ground

No. 3 Psalm 117 (DUKE STREET)

January 22


Opening Psalm Psalm 83

Message: How to treat enemies (Romans 12:19-21)

No. 50 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Psalm 12 (Note tune: ST. ANNE)

No. 402 Amazing Grace


Opening Psalm Psalm 84

Message: What are God’s works of providence?

(Hebrews 1:3)

Psalm 89:38-52 (ODE TO JOY)

No. 679 The Light of the World is Jesus

Psalm 9:1-10 (JOANNA)

January 29


Opening Psalm Psalm 85

Message: The powers that be (Romans 13:1-7)

Psalm 147 (LANCASHIRE)

No. 79 The Lord will provide

No. 53 Psalm 146


Opening Psalm Psalm 86

Message: The covenant of works (Gen 2:17; Gal 3:12)

No. 400 Come, Thou Fount of every blessing

No. 403 Not what my hands have done

Psalm 9:11-20 (JOANNA)

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