Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Vision (7/28/11): Correspondence

When I checked the CRBC mailbox before church last Sunday morning I found an interesting collection of items. They included:
• A note from a faithful supporter of CRBC in Indiana who sent his regular monthly contribution along with a $500 gift to the SEED fund. What an encouragement!

• A self-published book on Exodus from the author who would like to see the book reviewed in The Reformed Baptist Trumpet.

• A letter from the pastor of the church in Alabama to which we had sent a contribution to help with a family in that congregation affected by the recent tornadoes in that region. The letter reads:

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Greetings in the name of our blessed Savior and King. Thank you so much for your generous offering sent to help those affected by the tornado. We appreciate the sacrifice you have made in sending it, and we will carefully use it for the relief of those in need. The needs are great as the rebuilding has begun.

We covet your prayers for our congregation to be salt and light in our communities where the spiritual devastation is even greater. We are delighted to know of the work in Charlottesville and if we can ever be of assistance, please call upon us.

Pastor Mark L.
• An encouraging letter from a brother in New York state who reads my “stylos” blog:

Dear Pastor:

I want to write you a note and thank you for “Stylos.” I read it regularly and have profited especially from your posts regarding “text criticism”….

Please keep writing, and I’ll keep reading.

Yours in Christ, T.L.

All these reminded me of the vibrancy of Christ’s ministry through our little flock and the privileges we enjoy of serving him together.

Grace and peace, Pastor Jeff Riddle

Note: There will be no Vision next Thursday, August 4th. The next edition of The Vision will be sent out on Thursday, August 11, 2011.

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