Friday, May 13, 2011

Word Magazine (5/12/11): Christians and the Arts: Love God, and do what you want?

Image:  "The Garage" in downtown Charlottesville

I had been thinking of creating an occassional commentary on theological, doctrinal, Biblical, and cultural issues.  I finally sat down yesterday and recorded an initial episode of what I am calling "Word Magazine" (though on a listen back I realize I called it "Word Commentary" in the recording).

The commentary interacts with the cover article in the May 3-9, 2011 issue of C-ville that focused on the burgeoning "Christian" arts community in Charlottesville.  Here are a few links that go along with the commentary:

The C-ville article "Signs of a Crossing."

The website for The Garage, a "Christian" arts and performance space in C-ville.

Augustine's Tractate VII on 1 John (the source for the quote "Love God, and do what you want" which I take exception with in my commentary).


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