Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Vision (4/14/11): CRBC Romania Mission Project Prayer Request and Special Offering

Image:  Conversation in the line for our Sunday Fellowship Lunch last Lord’s Day (4/10) at CRBC.

In our afternoon worship service last Sunday, I shared about a mission project in Romania we recently learned about. Grace RBC in Mebane, NC is sponsoring sending Reformed Baptist Pastor and theologian Sam Waldron to speak at a conference May 18-23 at Logos Baptist Church in Arad, Romania. Logos is—to their knowledge—the only independent, 2LBCF 1689 affirming church in Romania. The conference will expose Pastors and Christians to Reformed, Biblical Christianity.

Grace RBC is also planning to print copies of Dr. Waldron’s book To Be Continued which is being translated into Romanian to distribute to those who attend this conference and to others. To Be Continued is a book that addresses confusion about “charismatic gifts” and argues that these gifts ceased after the age of the apostles. For a review I wrote of this book sometime back, look here. There is currently much confusion among Baptists in Romania about spiritual gifts.

Grace RBC is looking for partners to sponsor the printing and distribution of this book. The printing costs:

500 copies- $1125

1000 copies- $1770

1500 copies- $ 2150

We would like to ask the CRBC family to take part in two ways:

1. Let’s join in prayer for this project.

2. We will receive a special offering on Sunday April 24th to support this project. Please give only above your regular gifts to CRBC as you are led and are able to contribute. Make checks to CRBC with note for “Romania Missions.”

Grace and peace, Pastor Jeff Riddle

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