Thursday, August 21, 2008

12 Searching Questions

It used to be a custom in churches for Pastors to compile lists of questions for the congregation to use in spiritual examination (2 Corinthians 13:5). John Fletcher of Madeley (1729-85) was an early Wesleyan Pastor who compiled these searching questions for his congregation to use in such spiritual exercises (source: Richard Alderson's No Holiness, No Heaven! [Banner of Truth, 1986]: pp. 67-68). These would be a good set of questions to review in your private or family evening devotions:

1. Did I awake spiritual, and was I watchful in keeping my mind from wandering this morning when I was rising?
2. Have I this day got nearer to God in times of prayer, or have I given way to a lazy, idle spirit?
3. Has my faith been weakened by unwatchfulness, or quickened by diligence this day?
4. Have I this day walked by faith and eyed God in all things.
5. Have I denied myself in all unkind words and thoughts; have I delighted in seeing others preferred before me?
6. Have I made the most of my precious time, as far as I had light, strength and opportunity?
7. Have I kept the issues of my heart in the means of grace, so as to profit by them?
8. What have I done this day for the souls and bodies of God’s dear saints?
9. Have I laid out anything to please myself when I might have saved the money for the cause of God?
10. Have I governed well my tongue this day, remembering that in a multitude of words there wanteth not sin?
11. In how many instances have I denied myself this day?
12. Do my life and conversation adorn the gospel of Jesus Christ?

Let every man examine himself.

Grace and peace, Pastor Jeff Riddle

Note: Evangel article (8/20/08)

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