Monday, August 28, 2006

"That mean old preacher" and great sermon titles

One of the featured sermons last week on sermon audio was Doyle Cooper's "That Mean Old Preacher." I listened to part of the message, but was most taken with the title.
That got me thinking about some of my other favorite sermon titles I've seen on sermon audio. How about Rolfe Barnard's classic "The God of the Bible Kills People"?
Or Charles Spurgeon's "Rubbish"?
Don't those titles make you want to listen?
Of course, my message yesterday morning was the highly imaginative "The Parable of the Talents" and in the evening "Malachi 4."


1 comment:

  1. Rolfe Barnard was one of those "mean old preachers," especially when he would go all out to warn church members about false profession! "The God of the Bible Kills People" is one of his severest! We knew him in our younger days and greatly admired him and his frankness for the Lord. Much good was accomplished in his ministry, I believe. I have written notes of Barnard as I remember him personally, and will send you a copy if you write back and ask for it. God bless you and your blogsite! I also have a blog here:

    Wylie Fulton
    Forest City NC 28043
